Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Salvelinus Hunters 2009

Well, that wraps up another adventure into Algonquin Park... keep those rod tips dancing and buy all silver tackle!

Our champion in the nut house

Laker Larry takes a well deserved rest.

Laker Larry and his trophy fish


Salvelinus Hunter Champion 2009

There you have it folks... the winner this year is Laker Larry. (don't look too closely at the trophy)

Second Place goes to...

Fast Eddie! Maybe he had a peek at Laker Larry's tackle as well... let's not go there.

Tight Line takes third

Black bean awards the fish scent to Tight Line... now he can smell like Laker Larry!

Most fish caught...

Yes, it's Stinger again this year... he takes home the prize in this category and is jumping for joy inside.

Laker Larry spins tales of his youth

... all of which are true. ;)

Morning breaks over North Depot

Every morning, ethereal fog swirled briefly over the crisp stillness of the mirrored depths. This pine rimmed lake held our elusive prey, hidden within it's cold inky darkness - a jewel scaled treasure without compare, both dazzling to look at and succulent to eat.

A Magical Ending to a Great Day

Would you rather be any place else?????

Tight Line's Nice Laker

Tight Line was in the zone and hooked into a North Depot Splake....sorry, Laker!

And the winner is...

... not any one of these clowns! They were SKUNKED big time, meaning: they could not land a single fish!!! Tisk tisk tisk, beaten by a 10 year old..

I knew it!

Black Bean's face always seemed a little familiar to me... Mr. Bean, Mr. Bean...

Wrong Way to fish stories

Was it the weather or Dave's story that made us look so tired?

Head Judge

Doing math.

Dr. O's Bare Essentials

A true bushman doesn't need a tent!

Tight Line's Brookie

Yes indeed, as Tight Line says, "it was hooked by someone else!" Laker Larry would like to have his lure back.

Morning has broken on the last day

Yes, the final day of competition had arrived, Larry's Laker was going to be tough to beat.

The Giant, Laker Larry & Stinger

Its hard to believe but the angler in the middle is 6'3"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just be cool Stinger... just be cool

Yes, those Algonquin Garters are well fed. It's sad when a Garter becomes a camp Garter and needs to be relocated. This fellow was pushin' it... we almost reported it to the Rangers.

Lunch box has talent

Yes, on that rainy Friday most were huddled under the tarps while Fast Eddie and Tight Line were out fishing. Suddenly, Lunch box does his Kermit impression causing Wrong Way to giggle like a little girl. Quite funny stuff.

Spear roasted

Hellboy... I mean Spear got a little crisp on Friday.


We have come to the conclusion that there really isn't any Splake in North Depot so a name change is in order. Thank you fishy fingered science guys for your enlightening observations. Sheesh!

Supper time!

Laker Larry may disagree, but that is one good cookin' fire!

Nice to see...

... that even though Sharia law was enforce, some luxuries remain.

Sharia law...

On some boats, the captain enforced tough rules on the crew. Yikes!

Caught at the shore...

Wrong Way was overheard singing,"ah, tasssty fish, ssso juicy sssweeet!"

Blah blah blah

Actually catch a championship winning trout and maybe he'll want to look at your tackle... well, maybe not.


Yes, Tight Line was a little teared up when he left camp this year.

What the...?

Behind his back, Fast Eddie pulls a fast one and poses with Laker Larry's award winning catch. Shortly after this shot, Larry balled up his little fists and turned very red while spitting his displeasure at Fast Eddie's deceit.  

Nice fish!

Not sure what happened to all those trout fillets... perhaps Laker Larry feasted on them when we left camp.


Tight Line examines the tiny fillet that was once his largest contribution to the competition.

He's done this a few thousand times before...

Like a skilled surgeon, Laker Larry's hands were nothing but a blur as he carved up this tasty trout.

It's a bird... it's a plane, no it's...

Laker Larry! It wasn't long before this Salvelinus Hunter showed us all how it is done. Rumor has it that Tight Line managed to sneak a peek at his tackle, but that's between them.

The one that got away...

Doctor O. tells Fast Eddie about his epic battle with the monster Laker early that morning, before anyone was up and could verify his fish story.

Doctor O using his Jedi powers

His technique is ancient and mysterious by nature. Doctor O. dreams of catching a winning fish, then tries to make his dreams come true.

Let the competition begin!

After a quick breakfast of runny scrambled eggs and salty fried spam oozing with grease, we splashed off in all directions in an attempt to land the largest Salvelinus.

Yes they were tied down tight

Fearing another breeze would come, they tied everything to the trees. Mind you, on Friday night the wind did sound like a series of freight trains moving through the tree tops.

Wrong Way island

We joined the ladies the next day. They had massive tarps all over the place... made us wonder if they are made of sugar.

Laker Larry's base camp

What a beautiful site, and all those colourful butterflies too... shame we had to leave to answer the cries for help from the other island.

We had a FUN paddle in this year

Sure, some Salvelinus Hunters had a bit-o-wind on the trip in, but nothing Black Bean and the Brent Giant couldn't handle. Turns out nobody else could paddle against the gentle breeze. They washed up onto shore on the wrong island! We had to rescue those ladies the next day.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Into the storm

Well, despite our hopes for change, we are going to launch into the heart of the storm tomorrow morning. Winds from the S-SW (head wind) at 35 km/hr and a 90% chance of heavy rain. Hug the shore and bring your bailing buckets!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Camp breakfast

He'll have eleven hungry campers to quickly feed before they race off to the honey hole. Can he do it? 

Honey Hole humor

Never turn your back on Wrong Way... never.

Don't ask...

Why Fast Eddie needs to present the awards while wearing a banana suit is beyond me...  perhaps he does it to make Stinger giggle.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Oh no... not again!

What culinary experimentation will Wrong Way serve this year?

Out wit, out last and out fish

Hmmm...12 campers and one tiny island. Something tells me that this trip is going to start with a tribal council.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Gonna eat like KINGS!

Get your gal bladders ready boys, we are gonna feast on flesh. Yes, Black Bean is bringing his signature dish again this year. Three cheers for the Bean!